Help! Help!

Talking to Other People

To talk to someone in the same room you put a double-quote " in front of what you want to say.

Confused? Let's show an example. Imagine that you are logged in as the guest character Mars

You type: "Hi there. I'm new here.
The MOO echoes to you: You say, "Hi there. I'm new here."
Valorie is in the same room with you. She types: "Welcome!
The MOO echoes to you: Valorie says, "Welcome!"

The MOO's help is repeated below. One important thing to note is that some commands only let you talk to people who are in the same room with you. Other commands, e.g. page, will let you talk with a person on the other side of the MOO.

Help Communication

There are several commands available to allow you to communicate with your fellow MOOers. Help is available on the following communication-related topics:

say -- talking to the other connected players in the room
whisper -- talking privately to someone in the same room
page -- yelling to someone anywhere in the MOO
emote -- non-verbal communication with others in the same room
gagging -- screening out noise generated by certain other players
news -- reading the wizards' most recent set of general announcements
@gripe -- sending complaints to the wizards
@typo @bug @idea @suggest
-- sending complaints/ideas to the owner of the current room
whereis -- locating other players
@who -- finding out who is currently logged in
mail -- the MOO email system
security -- the facilities for detecting forged messages and eavesdropping.

Wandering Around

People build all sorts of neat and wonderful projects on the MOO. Many of these are "rooms" which represent a physical reality. Some rooms represent a large outdoor place. Other rooms are designed as rooms inside a building. To visit these rooms you will need to move from place to place. The following is the MOO's help entry for "movement."

Help Movement

The descriptions of most rooms outline the directions in which exits exist. Typical directions include the eight compass points ('north', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'northeast', 'southeast', 'northwest', and 'southwest'), 'up', 'down', and 'out'.

To go in a particular direction, simply type the name of that direction (e.g, 'north', 'up'). The name of the direction can usually be abbreviated to one or two characters (e.g., 'n', 'sw'). You can also type 'go ' to move; this is particularly useful if you know you're going to type several movement commands in a row (see 'help go').

In addition to such vanilla movement, some areas may contain objects allowing teleportation and almost all areas permit the use of the 'home' command to teleport you to your designated home (see 'help home' for more details).

What's Next?

OK, enough of this boring stuff. In a few days, we'll post more web pages for you to read. In the meantime, drop by the MOO and talk with us about important things like building your own rooms & robots and getting together with friends to brainstorm your Wow! projects for the MOO.


Last Updated: 01/07/2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (