Screen snapshot for MOO Welcome Center

Logged-In, Now What?

The MOO is built around the idea of rooms and entrances/exits to/from those rooms. Everyone has a "home" on the MOO. Until you create a unique room of your own your "home" will be the Welcome Center. The Welcome Center has suggestions for things to read that will help you learn how to use the MOO. When you login you will see the following:

Welcome Center

***** Welcome to the Science and Math MOO *****

If this is your first time here, you'll probably need some help finding your way around. The HELP command is a good place to start. Here are some topics suggestions:

help communication --- info about how to talk to other players
help movement --- info about moving from room to room
help mail --- info about sending and reading MOOMail
help help --- help for the help system
help index --- index of help topics

Exits include: [lobby] to Welcome Center Lobby

Now What?

At this point, you are ready to begin your MOO'ing experience. You can ask the MOO server to display help information or you may decide to go wandering around. The name of the exit from this room is lobby. Some rooms may have more than one exit. Some exits may have more than one name, i.e. out will usually take you to the main exit regardless of its actual name.

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Last Updated: 06 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (