All In One Room

To create a room, you use the @dig command. The next time you are on the MOO, read the help on building. It's too long to repeat here.

@dig entrance|exit to "My Room"

This creates three objects and costs you three quota points. Two are children of $exit and the third is a child of $room. To change your room into an All In One Room you must type:

@chparent "My Room" to $aio-room

What can you do inside a room?

For starters, you can talk to each other. You can also look at things that are in the room and interact with them. Some objects are part of the room and others are independent items which you create separately. Read on to find out how to build your model or exhibit starting with an All In One Room.

What Sort of Model Can You Create Using A Room?

Almost any place you can imagine can be modeled using a room. The first thing that others see when they enter your room is its description. Sometimes, a short description is best. You can use the other features of the room, like details, to add to the depth and richness of your project. The room's description is displayed when a person enters the room or when the verb look is used.

What Special Things Can I Add to My Room

Seats, Chairs, and Places to Sit

Seats have names. To find out what seats are defined for a room type @seats

Seats have messages that are displayed when a person sits and stands. Seats also have a sitting message that is displayed as part of the room's description when a person uses the look command. Example:

The Deck
A vast body of water is visible through the red-oak railing of the deck. Several comfortable chairs invite you to sit and enjoy the sounds of the surf breaking on the rocks below.
Exits include: [Welcome Center Lobby] to Welcome Center Lobby, [The Dock] to Dock @seats
sit fishingnet
You find yourself caught in a very comfortable position as you fall into the fishing net.
The Deck
A vast body of water is visible through the red-oak railing of the deck. Several comfortable chairs invite you to sit and enjoy the sounds of the surf breaking on the rocks below.
Exits include: [Welcome Center Lobby] to Welcome Center Lobby, [The Dock] to Dock
Valorie is reclining in what looks to be an old fishing net hung from a wooden frame.
You stand up.

Managing Seats

@clear-s            Removes ALL the seats from the room.  
@adds seat-names    Adds one or more seats and corresponding messages.
@rms seat           Removes a seat from the room.  
@verify-sitters     Fix for teleporting bug that leaves folks on sitting list.

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The All In One Room is a special type of room that allows you to create the illusion of having a room filled with other things yet not use additional quota points. We call these things details.

If you want people to be able to sit on your thing make it a seat instead of a detail.

What Can I Do With Details?

You can add to the richness of your environment by adding details. A detail is a thing that has a name and a description. Some have special names that allow a person to do something besides look at them. Let's say you wanted to have a flower garden. You could have a detail named Rose. When the person types: look garden the room would display the description you wrote for the Rose. What if you wanted to have a fragrance that the person could smell? You would add a detail that contained the description of the rose's fragrance.

Verb or Action         Detail Name     Verbs that also work
look xyz               xyz
smell xyz           sniff, aromas, odors
feel xyz             touch, tap, textures
taste xyz           lick
listen [to] xyz       sounds, hear

@details will display a list of the details on this room. But there's a better way to let people know what extras you have put into your environment. Use * to set off the name of each item's name in the room's description.


Wild Garden

Lack of attentions become visible quickly in look of this garden: Its paths grown over, and the greenery run rampant. A *rose bush* takes its place, a *lilac bush* nearby, both sitting near a collection of *gardening equipment*. A few *nooks* are tossed about -- They themselves tweaked into various forms so that one may sit in them, as well as on the edge of the dried *fountain*; that with a *broken statue* a testament to previous times.

Managing Room Details

Details allow you to add richness to your room. You will, no doubt, find many uses for details. But, what if you decide to change things around or you want to remove a detail entirely? Use these commands:

Automagically Showing Details

Detail integration is a way of managing when your detail descriptions are shown or displayed. It allows you to have your detail descriptions automatically added to the room's description for the "look" command.

The best way to figure out how detail integration works is to play with it. Integration levels range from 0 to 7.

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Tips for keeping objects inside your room

Using details will save you quota and prevents "theft" or inadvertent "light-fingered" removals of objects from your rooms. But, what if you really need the verbs (functionality) of an object? There are two ways to discourage folks from picking up your stuff and walking off with it. Both use the @lock command.(Thanks to Rizpah@GRMoo for suggesting using boolean expressions with @lock to prevent removal of objects. See "help expressions" for more information about how to construct a boolean expression.)

@lock object with room-object object can only be "dropped" in room-object

@lock exit-spec with expression

e.g. @lock out with "Treasure Chest"

This prevents players from walking out with your stuff by way of exit-spec To keep obj1 and obj2 from being taken out of the room via exit-spec :

@lock exit-spec with !obj1 && !obj2

e.g. @lock HeavyDoor with !GuardBot && !PrincessBot (Thought: what about the Window!!)

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Timer Events and Noises

@noises           Lists the noises or timer events defined for the room.
@noisy            Toggles on/off timer events and noises.
@addnoise         Adds a noise or timer event to the room.
@rmnoise          Removes a noise or timer event from the room.
@noiseinterval min,max  Sets the delay interval window timer events.

Use "noises" to add to the room's ambiance. Examples: sounds from animals in a zoo, changes in the weather (a breeze blowing through or scattered rain drops). Noises are actually timer events. When a player enters the room the countdown timer begins (delay = random(min,max)). When the timer expires, a randomly chosen message from the list of noises is announced to the room and the countdown timer is re-armed. The "noise" is not announced if no player has been active during the past 600 seconds (10 mins).

The following are noises used to provide a richer environment for an outdoor room (The Deck).

Looking towards the horizon, you see dolphins jumping after one another through the water... then they're gone

Staring out across the water, you see dolphins jumping after one another through the water... then they're gone

Inch by inch, a sandcastle falls to the rising tide.

The sea rushes unrelentlessly upon the sands and then slides back into itself in an endless battle for supremacy of place and time.

Fluffy white clouds drift by on winds so faint you barely hear their passing.

Looking towards the horizon, you see dolphins jumping after one another through the water... then they're gone

Sunlight glints off the waves and makes you squint to see.

The sea rushes unrelentlessly upon the sands and then slides back into itself in an endless battle for supremacy of place and time.

A high pitched song ... almost a whistle ... floats across the waters as the whales welcome you to their home.

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Time of Day Events

Timed events can be used to add to the room's description based upon the time of day. Examples: sunrise, sunset, a floor show or other entertainment.

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Room Security Features

Note: The accept list is for player objects. The exclude list is for non-player objects.

Who's looking at me? Who's walking into my room?