Acknowledgements for Project Kits

We would like to thank Ms. Ann Parsons, AKA Dicken_Wanderer, Arch-Wizard for Grassroots MOO for her generosity in contributing Grassroot's Collection of "generic objects" to our Science and Math project. These project kits represent years of work in building a collection of MOO objects and obtaining permission from the original authors and programmers for use of these objects. We are also indebted to all the MOO programmers whose work is represented here. The original porting permissions and designer messages may be viewed online at the Science and Math MOO in Room #111, the Generics Library.

Grassroots MOO is sponsored by The Enabling Support Foundation, a non-profit organization whose Mission is to provide the technological tools to empower individuals with disabilities to maximize their inherent potential. We are indebted to Dr. Robert Zenhausern, Vice President and Chief Information Officer of ESF, for his contributions over the years to MOO'ing and using MOO to teach children in an inclusive environment where every child receives instruction at a level appropriate to his or her abilities.

Dr. Zenhausern and Ms. Parsons are pioneers in this field.


Last Updated: 06 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (