Screen Snapshot of Phoca MOO Client

Getting Started For the Science and Math MOO Project

  1. Download the Phoca client.
  2. Unzip the files and save to your harddrive.
  3. Download the Phoca session file
  4. Save the Phoca session file (tagmoo.mck) to the same directory as Phoca
  5. Launch Phoca by double-clicking on its icon.
  6. Select File->Open
  7. Double-click on tagmoo.mck
  8. Phoca will open a telnet connection to: Port:7777
  9. You will see the Science and Math MOO Welcome Screen
  10. Type co guest
  11. You will receive a list of instructions on what to read to get started.
  12. When you're done, type @quit to close the connection.
  13. Close the Phoca window.

Click here for the next page in our step by step explanations complete with more Screen Snapshots.

2001 MOO Project: The Great Sea

Last Updated: 12/8/2002
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (