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Generic Secret Desk

@create #463 named MySecretDesk


This is actually just a $container. It purpose is to show you how powerful the container object is and to encourage you to make use of it. Containers can be opened and closed. You can store things in them. You can set the container's opacity such that noone may look into it when it's closed. You can also set it so that it's a blackhole, i.e. you can never use look to see inside the container.


Read the help on container messages on the MOO. You'll find some interesting ideas.


You can use this object (or a $container) as a lock-box to store projects while you're working on them and don't want the world peering over your shoulders.

You can also use a $container for such mundane things as a refrigerator in a dorm room or a tool locker on a boat. The possibilities are endless.

Note that the SmartBot is a descendant of $container. This means you can store interesting things inside your SmartBot. If you think about it, you'll figure out how to make an action associated with the SmartBot's rules that allow it to take things out of itself (or put things inside itself).


Last Updated: 07 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (