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Generic Note Board

@create #188 named MyNoteBoard


A generic note board that works like a bulletin board. If unlocked, anyone may post to it. If locked only the owner or wizards may post or remove notes.

You can use a NoteBoard to take an opinion poll, ask people to post their favorite quotations, or even leave clues for a scavenger hunt.

Hint: @lock Noteboard with here

This will keep people from taking your noteboard somewhere else.



The noteboard is both simple and powerful. You can use it to collect opinions, poetry, or even guesses in a guessing game.

The noteboard can also serve as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) which you carry with you.


If you want to encrypt your notes or otherwise protect what's on your board then you'll need to write a few new verbs to add to the board's existing programming.

It would be nice to have a way of password protecting the board's contents. Any volunteers?


Last Updated: 07 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (