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Generic Hiding Place

@create #183 named MySpyCar


The Generic Hiding Place -- a movable room which you can use as the base or foundation for a vehicle or other transportation device. To enter the GHP, type @go GHP. Spy lets you see who is in the room your GHP is in and tells you what else is in the room. Whami tells you where you are. (In case your GHP takes an unexpected detour). Out lets you leave the GHP. You'll end up in the room where GHP is currently.


@go MySpyCar You must teleport to climb inside MySpyCar. It has no conventional entrances or exits (which is why it can move).

@move MySpyCar to location Moves MySpyCar to another location. Use the object# for the location. (This doesn't always work. We're working on an alternative.)

Spy Shows you the description for MySpyCar's current location including the contents (so you can tell if someone is outside MySpyCar).

Whami Gives you the name of MySpyCar's current location.

Out Teleports you out of MySpyCar and into the room that MySpyCar is in.

@set MySpyCar.dark to 1 Prevents people outside from looking inside MySpyCar.


The Generic Hiding Place (GHP) is actually a movable room that is the base or foundation for creating cars, trucks, ski-planes, whatever you'd like. We have a generic vehicle in the works. But, pardon the pun, but our MOO "buggy" is buggy right now. Until it's fixed, you can use this instead.

The GHP was originally designed as part of an interactive, multi-player game on the MOO. We liked it so much that we created a generic object for use in other ways and places.


This generic could use the ministrations of several programmers to turn it into a first class vehicle. If you're interested, contact one of the wizards.


Last Updated: 07 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (