Fantasy Worlds Icon

Generic Catchable Thing

@create #151 named MyBall


A Generic Toy for playing catch. Take it, throw it, catch it. You must be holding the object in order to throw it.


Throw You must be holding the object in order to throw it.

Catch The object must be "in the air" before you can catch it, i.e. the person holding it must throw it first. You will be holding the object after you catch it. (The object is moved into your inventory.)

@edit MyBall.heights

The "heights" messages answer the question "how" ... how was the object thrown. Put each message on a separate line. The generic's messages are:

@edit MyBall.kinds

The "kinds" messages answer the question "how" ... how was the object caught. Put each message on a separate line. The generic's messages are:


What can you throw? What can you catch? How about a tomato? A mackerel? A boomerang? Probably not a cream pie ... who would want to catch that?


This object's catch verb is an example of how to use a verb to move objects from one player to another.


Last Updated: 07 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (