Fantasy Worlds Icon

Generic Moody Object

@create #147 named MyMoodyObject


When you type Look MyMoodyObject this object randomly selects a line out of its description property and displays it.


Watch me change ... my mind, my wardrobe, my color, my shape ...

Or, maybe I'm a fish-tank with lots of brightly colored fish swimming within.

Or, maybe I'm a window looking out upon an ever changing landscape.

The Generic Moody Object was originally designed to be a Mood Ring circa 1970.

Editing the Description

@edit MyMoodyObject.description

To give this object multiple descriptions, enter each item on a separate line in the editor. Hit the Enter-Key to end a line.

Each line in the MOO editor can hold a full paragraph of text. That is, it can be as long as you wish.


The Generic Moody Object is a simple object, based upon $thing, that can be used as a programming example for learning how to modify the look_self verb on an object. This object can be used to model very simple stochastic processes where each outcome is equally likely.


Last Updated: 07 January 2001
This webpage is maintained by Kit Finn (